Its a common complaint that every year the shops start pushing Christmas earlier than ever. Its not just Christmas though. I was in a well known department store, a few weeks back, and it was full of 'Back to School'tat. Not surprising you might think it is Summer after all. But at this point the poor little blighters hadn't even broken up for the Summer holidays!

Even back in my day there was the 'Back to School' stuff in shops - but I'm pretty sure it wasn't until the last couple of weeks of the holidays. Mrs Windbag pointed out buying kid's clothes 8 weeks in advance of them going back to school is asking for trouble anyway given that kid's commonly go on growth spurts.

One thing I remember, about 'Back to School', was those little boxes you used to be able to buy which contained pens, pencils, a compass, a protracter and those plastic triangle things - I believe they were called set squares. It was the sort of stuff that one of your more distant aunt & uncle might get you for Christmas as well.

I understood the function of most of the stuff in the box (compasses were dead handy for making holes in your desk; playing tricks on classmates which normally ended with people getting stabbed in their hands; and even for bisecting lines) but did anybody ever find a use for the set squares?

The other thing I remember about the 'Back to School' thing was that it was always a depressing sight. It made you realise that the Summer holidays were drawing to a close. Similar to that feeling you get on a Sunday when Songs of Praise starts signalling that the weekend is nearly over.
This month's music tip is Fraser A Gorman. We caught him supporting Courtney Barnett (his label boss) at the Brudenell Social Club a couple of months ago. He played a winning set of whimisical acoustic pop and came across as a nice (if somewhat scatter brained) lad as well.

His debut album is now out and its full of great tunes and is suprisingly sophisticated compared with the live set. Check out the single here.

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