I'm not a big one for new year's resolutions. But at the start of 2012 I resolved to produce a new Yorkshire Windbag every month for 2012. Almost unbelievably I've just about pulled it off; give or take the odd slightly missed deadline (for example this is supposed to be the December 2012 issue). Prior to 2012 I used to knock out about two or three of these per year so its been quite a big shift in effort (although to be fair I used to have a lot more content in the old ones). Previously I thought of things to write and then when I had enough stuff I set it all down. Having a monthly deadline as changed that. Any yarns, ideas and opinions I had saved away have soon been used up. Meaning that I've had to come up with new stuff every month. I must admit that initially I didn't think I'd manage it. Somehow though I've come up with something. In fact on occasion I've actually had more content than I needed. So, for example, I never did tell you about how one of the banes of my life is passionate couples who insist on toungeing each other's tonsils right in front of me all the way through gigs. I decided to keep a gig diary this year (mainly so I knew I would have at least one thing written up each month). I've been quite disciplined and written them up as I've gone along - usually the day after - although occasionally several nights out on the trot have necessitated a writing binge after the fact. I believe I've actually attended and reported on just over 100 gigs this year - which is damn near two a week! One good thing about the regular instalments policy is that I seem to have gathered a tiny but regular readership. And even managed to spark off a little bit of discussion on t'internet. However after a year of regular monthly deadlines I'm a bit jaded with the current approach. So my aim is to come back in 2013 with a slightly different style. Not sure how it willl look or work but my current intention is to be a bit more immediate/spontaneous whilst trying to keep things regular (oo-er missus). So thank you for everybody who has read and everybody who has commented (verbally or electronically). All the best for the coming year. |
Music Selection December 2012 Soundshack Records Review Strivers vs Skivers Gig Diary - November 2012 part 1 Gig Diary - November 2012 part 2 Gig Diary - December 2012 Back Issues Send your comments, articles, insults, poetry, pictures, outpourings of love etc Click above to go and like this on Facebook The Credits |